CSS Box Sizing: Beginners Series

Published Apr 14, 2024

Written by: Abdulmumin Yaqeen


Box Model governs how elements are sized and spaced on a webpage. The box-sizing property allows developers to control how these dimensions are calculated, simplifying layout design.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look into the two key values of box-sizing: content-box and border-box, and more importantly, why you will find some developers dump this code snippet into every single project.

* {


This is the default value of the box-sizing property. When box-sizing: content-box; is applied, the width and height properties only include the content area of the element, excluding any padding, border, or margin. In other words, the specified width and height represent the dimensions of the content box alone, without accounting for any additional spacing or borders.

Content Box Model content-box - devcanvas.art

.box {
	box-sizing: content-box;
	width: 300px; /* Content width only */
	height: 200px; /* Content height only */
	padding: 20px;
	border-width: 2px;
	margin: 10px;

With box-sizing: content-box;, the total width and height of the element would be calculated as follows:

Total width = content width + padding + border Total height = content height + padding + border


When box-sizing: border-box; is applied, the width and height properties include both the content area and any padding and border assigned to the element. In this mode, the specified width and height represent the entire box model, from the outer edge of the border to the outer edge of the border on the opposite side.

Border Box  Model border-box - devcanvas.art

.box {
	box-sizing: border-box;
	width: 300px; /* Total width including padding and border */
	height: 200px; /* Total height including padding and border */
	padding: 20px;
	border-width: 2px;
	margin: 10px;

With box-sizing: border-box;, the total width and height of the element would be calculated as follows:

Total width = content width (including padding and border) Total height = content height (including padding and border)

Effects of box-sizing:

  • Simplified Sizing: With box-sizing: border-box;, it’s easier to specify the overall size of an element, as you don’t have to account for padding and border separately.
  • Predictable Layouts: By using border-box, you can ensure that the size of an element remains consistent regardless of changes to padding or border widths.
  • Improved Responsiveness: border-box can be particularly useful in responsive design, as it allows elements to resize more intuitively when adapting to different screen sizes.

Why this snippet always exists for most developers?

* {

This is for:

Predictable Layouts: By using border-box, you can ensure that the size of an element remains consistent regardless of changes to padding or border widths. Also, different browsers have different default values for the margin and padding, hence can break your design if not carefull.

In summary, the box-sizing property profoundly influences the behavior of the CSS Box Model, affecting how elements are sized and how their dimensions are calculated.

Super hoped you learn something new. Always Stay Super Awesome 🤗

Tagged with: CSS box sizing
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